Testing & Assessment-Reaching the Summit
GMCS is a public charter school; therefore, our students participate in the following state standardized tests:
- The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress/Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (CAASPP/SBAC) is given to students in grades 3-8 and 11.
- The California Standards Test for Science (CAST) is administered to students in grades 5, 8, and one time in high school (grades 10-12).
- The Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is for students in grades 5, 7, and 9.
- The English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) test is the required state test for English language proficiency (ELP) that must be given to students whose primary language is a language other than English.
- The California Alternative Assessment (CAA) will be administered by the Special Education team for those students with severe learning disabilities.
- The STAR 360 assessments are given in reading and math two times per school year (once during the fall semester and once during the spring semester) as a diagnostic, formative, and summative tool for our families and teachers.